Basic Guitar Chords: Volume II by John Hartin
Product Description
Many thousands of people around the world have learned to play the guitar With John Hartin's Basic Guitar Chords and Accompaniment Styles video (BG-60). In response to many requests for a second volume, John has recently produced Basic Guitar Chords Volume II. In this video John teaches you how to connect all the chords with fun to play "bass runs". He also teaches advanced strums, finger style accompaniments, "Merle Travis" style picking, and country and folk melody picking. John also teaches many new chords including Major 7ths, minors, Sus 4 chords, and how to use diminished and augmented chords. When you finish this video, you will know more about music and guitar playing than you ever thought possible and you will be able to accompany most types of songs and even write a few of your own.